Combining a Breast Lift with Breast Augmentation


Every person who goes for a specific treatment gets a different recommendation from the expert. So is the case with cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation in Dubai. This treatment is meant to enhance the size and volume of breasts. But if the patient requires enhancing the shape and position as well, the procedure will be different. Many times, more than one surgical techniques are applied in order to achieve the desired results. After a detailed consultation with the surgeon, a proper recommendation is referred to the candidate.

The procedure for a breast lift in Dubai is usually done to readjust the natural alignment of breast and removing the sagginess. This surgery cannot increase the breast size, but only restore the firmness of breasts. This surgery is combined with the breast augmentation surgery in Dubai when the patient requires achieving a good breast shape along with the size enhancement.

How Is The Combined Procedure Done?

The combination of moth procedure is done according to the patient’s anatomy and tissue availability. Women who want to achieve fuller, rounder and perkier breasts are usually referred to a combined procedure. Prior to the surgery, these women are properly guided about the procedure. In some cases, women experience nipple disposition due to abrupt weight loss. Then they not only need size enhancement but also repositioning of their breasts.

A combined surgery is usually performedsimultaneously, while some surgeons prefer to perform it with a gap. The use of breast implantsis applicable to both procedures, so its incorporation is made accordingly in a combined treatment. To remove the excess skin, the incisions are made around the areola, and another vertical incision is made from the base towards the lower fold of thebreast. The implants are placed inside and positioned under the muscle. The incisions are closed and bandages are applied.

Major Goals

The major goals of a combining the breast lift surgery with augmentation procedure are to:

  • Gain maximum fullness.
  • Perkier breasts.
  • Refined shape
  • Enhanced shape
  • Eliminates the risk of double surgery
  • Firm texture
  • More volume on theupper area.
  • Improved body image.

You are a good candidate to go for this procedure if you are done having children, because your pregnancy after this surgery may alter the results. Those women who need size enhancement and adjustment of alignment and shape at the same time, are also good candidates for this procedure. Moreover, being a right candidate means that you have realistic expectations with the treatment, and you are fit and healthy, both mentally and physically.

Here the point to note is that this treatment is subjected to the changes in your body with ager. Aging is the natural process, the effects are also seen on the breasts.

Free Consultation

This combination of mastopexy and surgery for breast augmentation in Dubai is perfect for those who need a complete beauty and rejuvenation of breasts. That includes obtaining natural elevation, firmness and size enhancement. If you need any guidance further than consult our board-certified surgeons at Breast Surgery Clinic Dubai.

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Written By: Dr. Ken Arashiro

Dr. Ken is one of the best-known cosmetic surgeons in the world. As extremely dedicated surgeon, this has ensured he has work in the most acclaimed clinics throughout the world. At the moment, he is offering his services in Dubai Cosmetic Surgery as a visiting surgeon, with a view to relocating to Dubai in the coming years.

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