Anchor Breast Lift

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Ken Arashiro


Anchor breast lift surgery is the considered to be the most powerful and adaptable version of a breast surgery in the world. The basic advantage of this kind of a surgery is that it can address to every part of excess skin and helps reposition breasts in a way that it looks pleasing to the eye; even though it has gone through a cosmetic surgery.

The anchor breast lift surgery incision will elevate the nipple position, and then reduce the size of areola. Moreover, it will also tighten the breast by reducing skin in vertical and horizontal directions. In case the patient requires a correction on the breast position, anchor breast lift surgery will also help them achieve that.

After the anchor breast lift surgery, the patients are expected to have scars on their breasts. The resulting scar, in this scenario, is similar to that of a lollipop breast lift. However, this anchor breast lift surgery will also include an incision that will be placed horizontally on the inframammary fold.

Candidates For Anchor Breast Lift Surgery

The perfect candidates for anchor breast lift surgery are old aged women who want a refreshed look on their breasts. Most doctors claim that this surgery should not be performed under the age of 18. There are few incisions involved and most clients who go through this process are older than the age of 35.

If you are a woman who wants her breasts to tighten both vertically and horizontally and also want to reduce the size of the areola, then this is the perfect solution to your breast problems.

Goals For Anchor Breast Lift Surgery

The goals of this surgery are extremely simple. This surgery will:

  1. Elevate the nipple position.
  2. Correct the position of the breasts on your chest (in case it’s needed).
  3. Help you reduce the size of the areola.
  4. Tighten the breasts by reducing the skin on your chest not only vertically, but also horizontally.

Procedure of Anchor Breast List Surgery

Top doctors in the world perform this surgery in a similar manner and the procedure does not come out to be an extremely difficult one. The results are not only positive, but in fact they leave several customers satisfied.

At first, the surgeon is going to mark the inframammary fold location on the breast. The task is easier if both breasts have symmetry with each other. In this case, the same mark is used for both the breasts. However, if one breast is placed higher on the chest, compared to the other, then the surgeon will have to lower the fold on the side in order to improve the symmetry for the client.

After this process is complete, the surgeon marks the desired location of the nipple on the patient. In this process, a keyhole pattern is drawn in order to show the vertical incision that is going to take place. The keyhole marks helps identity the desired position of the nipple-areolar complex. The vertical incision basically helps the doctor in skin removal procedures. Even though it is a vertical incision, the process is carried out horizontally. Later, in order to remove skin vertically, the doctor creates a horizontal incision.

Next, the surgeon designs a pattern around the nipple in order to make the areola smaller. This is done in so that the areola becomes more proportionate in accordance with the breasts. Later, small amount of skin between the circular incisions is removed. Any skin on the side of the areola is moved so that it can move to a more elevated location.

The process is completed after the incisions on the lower portion of the breasts are sutured. The same skin incisions are required during a breast reduction process. However, in this case not a lot of breast tissue is removed.

Benefits Of Anchor Breast Lift Surgery

The anchor breast lift surgery technique is considered the gold standard in breast reconstruction. It is especially well suited for the patients with poor skin quality. The larger incisions from an anchor breast lift surgery allows increased and enhanced access, this resulting in ideal reshaping of the breast tissue as well as removal of the greatest amount of skin in multiple directions. This results in a dramatic change in nipple position and shape required for many older patients with greater degrees of sagging. The main advantages of this technique are that the results are uniformly predictable and allow for correction of large degrees of ptosis.

Pre-Operation Care for Anchor Breast Lift Surgery

Right before the surgery is performed the surgeon is going to scrub your breasts and chest with surgical scrub. This is a mandatory procedure because you are going to go through a surgery and the doctor needs to be sure that the body and the equipment are sterilized accordingly.

Later the surgeon will rinse off the area with sterile gauze soaked in saline and then paint your surgical area with an antiseptic. This is another important step that the doctor needs to take in order to avoid any damage post-operation. Staphylococcus is an extremely common bacterium that’s found on human skin and this process helps kill it.

Post-Operation Care for Anchor Breast Lift Surgery

The first thing that you need to take care of is the anaesthesia. Since you’re going through a thorough surgery on your chest, you will definitely be given anaesthesia for no pain. Once the operation is over, the transition period is often tough for the patients.

Some patients may feel sick, dizzy or even experience anxiety and depression. However, that passes through after some time. This is all the after-effects of anaesthesia. You will wake up with clothing on your chest, which should not be removed until your doctor asks you to remove it.

You will also be expected to stay in the hospital till you anaesthesia dies down. Moreover, it is mandatory that you do not expose your chest and/or breasts to sunlight for at least 48 hours. It will be helpful if you are escorted home with someone and you do not drive alone.

Cost of Anchor Breast Lift Surgery

The cost of this surgery depends upon your requirements and how the surgeon is expected to take care of your breasts. However, since it is a proper cosmetic surgery, the cost ranges between $5,000 to $10,000.

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