Breast surgery cost in Dubai starts from $5,898 and can go up to $13,612 depending upon your requirements and the procedure. Dubai has become a hub of plastic surgery service, especially the breast surgery. Dubai healthcare industry offers exciting offers as medical tourism packages, this in turn has significantly reduced the breast surgery cost in Dubai.
There are several procedures available to get the breast surgery and they are dependent upon the choice of the patient and concerned plastic surgeon. Breast surgery cost also differs based on the procedure being used to cure the deformities. At Breast Surgery Clinic Dubai, We’ve following Breast Surgery procedures
Costs of these procedures vary from one another based on the condition of the patient. Consultation from the qualified plastic surgeon is must in order to choose the most appropriate treatment based on your skin and body type.
Here is a list of different breast surgery cost in Dubai.
Breast Augmentation procedure is for patients who require better shape, size and contour of the breasts without changing the natural feel of the body. The procedure is relatively longer than Breast Lift procedure and is done under supervision of qualified plastic surgeon. Breast surgery cost in Dubai involving breast augmentation starts from $5,898 (AED 22,000).
Breast Reduction is a breast Surgery procedure that is done to reduce the sagging enlarged breasts. It is done under supervision of qualified Plastic surgeon and is usually done by combining it with breast lift procedure. The Breast Reduction Surgery cost is estimated at AED 35,000.
Breast Lift procedure tends to correct the shape and sagging of the breast by altering the breast tissues. Breast Lift results in better shape and contour of the breasts. The Breast Lift Surgery cost is estimated at AED 30,000.
Breast Implant surgery is done by creating a pocket in breast tissues to place implant that is either made of silicone or saline bag. The procedure allows the patient to get contoured breast and size and shape of patient’s choice. Breast Implants can be placed of any size and shape and it also allows the patient to choose the feel of the breasts as well. Breast Implant surgery cost is estimated to be around $7,350 ( AED 27,000).
Breast surgery with fats transfer is done under by taking the excessive fats from patient’s body to create a new breast. It results in the most natural feeling breast but the procedure is longest of all Breast Surgeries and causes complications if operated by unqualified plastic surgeons. Breast surgery cost in Dubai that requires fat transfer procedure starts from $6,809 (25,000 AED).
Dr. Ken is one of the best-known cosmetic surgeons in the world. As extremely dedicated surgeon, this has ensured he has work in the most acclaimed clinics throughout the world. At the moment, he is offering his services in Dubai Cosmetic Surgery as a visiting surgeon, with a view to relocating to Dubai in the coming years.