How Can I Minimize The Scars After Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Minimize Scars After Breast Augmentation

In almost every surgical treatment, the scars are inevitable. Due to the fact that incisions are required to perform the surgery, the sutures do leave scars. In case you are having cosmetic surgery for breast augmentation in Dubai, it is important for you to understand and prepare for the possible happening of scars. The good news is that you can easily minimize them. No more worries, no more tensions because now you can handle it in the better way.

There are certain things that you can do for it while preparing for the breast augmentation surgery. Following these important things can easily help you to make these scars invisible. For some, the scars are minimized to the level on which clothing techniques can hide them for good. Although, it is natural that the thought of having scars can put a person into anxiety, but taking charge of yourself is important too. You can easily tackle the situation with proper researching and planning.

Get Rid Of the Scars

Here is how you can minimize the scarring:

  • First of all, it is very important that your choice for an expert surgeon is good. Only an experienced surgeon can ensure impeccable surgical techniques that can leave minimal scarring.
  • Small incisions, under the fold incisions, are some types and techniques that can incur minimal scars. So, your better understanding about incisions is important.
  • Make sure you follow the pre-op and post-op instructions given by your surgeon. It will help you a lot during the recovery phase and healing of scars.

You can minimize the scars by making sure you are a good candidate for having your breast implants in Dubai. What does it mean? It means, if you are healthy, have realistic expectations for the surgery and have no complications in your medical history, then you are fine to undergo the surgery. Moreover, it also means that there won’t be any complications during the healing process. Scars are inevitable, but a good candidate can ensure faster healing.

Factor Affecting Scar Healing

There are certain factors that usually affect the scar healing, and differ in every person:

  • Skin elasticity.
  • Skin tone and texture.
  • The depth of incisions.
  • Type and technique of surgery.

Fair Tips for You!

Finally, there are some tips that you can follow before and after the breast augmentation treatment to minimize scars.

  • Avoid taking aspirin or any blood thinning medication before the surgery.
  • Step down from alcohol intake and smoking.
  • Make sure you have a friend or family who can assist you in household tasks after this surgery so that you make time for your rest and healing.
  • Smoking and alcohol intake must be shunned after the surgery.
  • Eat and drink healthy.
  • For showering and cleaning, consult the surgeon first.
  • Take prescribed medications regularly.


To know more, ask our board-certified aesthetic experts free of charge. Fill the given form and consult FREE. Don’t miss this golden chance that can help you out with better recovery.

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Written By: Dr. Ken Arashiro

Dr. Ken is one of the best-known cosmetic surgeons in the world. As extremely dedicated surgeon, this has ensured he has work in the most acclaimed clinics throughout the world. At the moment, he is offering his services in Dubai Cosmetic Surgery as a visiting surgeon, with a view to relocating to Dubai in the coming years.

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