Breast reconstruction after mastectomy in Dubai


Dubai Surgery Clinic offers Breast reconstruction after mastectomy under our expect panel of breast surgery experts. Breast reconstruction after Mastectomy helps you regain the natural look and feel of your breast.

Mastectomy is a painful procedure that removes the deadly cancer from the body but what comes after it is equally painful. Women who have undergone mastectomy wake up to reminder of a loss, everyday. The chest area causes pain and sometimes itching and most importantly, the women feel insecure after the mastectomy.

Breast reconstruction can be done immediately after the mastectomy or can be delayed for months, even years. The delayed breast reconstruction gives you ample time to consider your options and choose what is best for your body. The immediate breast reconstruction on the other hands saves you from the trauma of living with an imperfect body and helps you quickly regain your confidence.

According to a survey, majority of the women who have undergone mastectomy prefer undergoing immediate breast reconstruction in Dubai to maintain their body image and their self confidence.

According to a survey it important is for women to maintain their femininity and sexuality after the mastectomy and it is only possible with the help of breast reconstruction.

86% of the women agreed that breast reconstruction after mastectomy returned the original feel and confidence after the treatment. 60% of the women felt that breast reconstruction after mastectomy returned their real feel of sexuality after the treatment and 84 percent of the women felt their breast were their femininity and it is returned after the treatment.
However the women older than 50 were of opinion that their breasts weren’t important factor in their sexuality and even without mastectomy due to their age, they can live the same. Women with mass index over 30 were of opinion that partner’s opinion about their breast was of any significance.

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Written By: Dr. Ken Arashiro

Dr. Ken is one of the best-known cosmetic surgeons in the world. As extremely dedicated surgeon, this has ensured he has work in the most acclaimed clinics throughout the world. At the moment, he is offering his services in Dubai Cosmetic Surgery as a visiting surgeon, with a view to relocating to Dubai in the coming years.

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