Breast reduction cost in Dubai – Breast Reduction In Dubai

Breast reduction cost in Dubai

Breast reduction cost in Dubai starts from $ 9528 or AED 35,000  . The procedure can be mixed with several other procedures to achieve better results. Breast reduction cost in Dubai has gone through several changes over the years due to several factors. The most recent factor that has caused change in the Breast reduction cost in Dubai is Medical tourism that is now being promoted in Dubai.

Why to get Breast Reduction?

Large breasts can be a problem for many women. It can cause neck, shoulder and back pain. It can also make normal activities uncomfortable to perform. In addition, some women with large breasts feel very self conscious when wearing certain types of clothing. There are several health problems that can arise due to enlarged breasts and since the very beginning,  excessively enlarged breasts are known to associate with health related problems. The condition can be caused due to different factors such as

  • Hormonal Change
  • Pregnancy
  • Puberty
  • Inheritance
  • Medications

Breast reduction cost in Dubai

Breast reduction is dedicated to reduce the excessive size of the breast and it can only be done under supervision of qualified Plastic Surgeon only. The Breast reduction surgery is done after choosing the most appropriate incision point for the breasts as it determines how much of excessive breast tissues will be taken out of the body and from where they will be taken out. Breast Reduction cost is not affected by the incision type but it does depend upon the type of your body and breast size you are trying to achieve. Normal Breast reduction cost in Dubai is almost  9,528 $ or 35,000 AED.

Combining Breast Reduction with Breast Lift

Breast Reduction surgery can also be added with breast lift surgery to achieve the ideal size and shape of the breasts. This might make Breast reduction cost in Dubai  to increase. Lift procedure allows the patient to get better contour and shape of the breasts. According to some Plastic Surgeons, Breast Lift surgery must be added with breast Reduction procedure to achieve the most ideal size, shape and contour of the breasts. The cost of Breast Reduction with Lift procedure depends upon your body fats and is determined by plastic surgeon after careful examine of your breasts.


Breast reduction procedure achieves the reduction in size and shape of the sagging and enlarged breasts that are hanging down. Since breasts form important part of the body, it is necessary to correct the enlarged and sagging breasts to achieve boosted confidence and personality. With breast reduction procedure, you can get rid of enlarged areola size as well and since the breast tissues are removed in the procedure, the chances of cancer are also shortened in the reduction procedure.

Combining breast reduction with any other procedure can increase the Breast reduction in Dubai. To get an accurate estimate for Breast reduction cost in Dubai book a free consultation with one of our breast surgery experts in Dubai.

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Written By: Dr. Ken Arashiro

Dr. Ken is one of the best-known cosmetic surgeons in the world. As extremely dedicated surgeon, this has ensured he has work in the most acclaimed clinics throughout the world. At the moment, he is offering his services in Dubai Cosmetic Surgery as a visiting surgeon, with a view to relocating to Dubai in the coming years.

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